sea-weed again.
This is a very popular kind of sea-weed, called WAKAME in Japanese.
They are usually salted to keep freshness.

You wash the salt out completely before cooking.
It was my first time to spread it out like this! lol

WAKAME is a non-calorie food, but has lots of mineral in it.
Today I fried them with some cabbage and smoked ham.
It doesn't look very delicious in this picture, but it wasn't that bad anyway : )

Freeze dried WAKAME is also very popular, and I think they are
available in foreign countries, too.
Unfortunately, I do not have any at home right now and I can't show
you how they look like.
Salted fresh WAKAME is always better in quality(thicker and bigger)
but freezed dried ones are more convenient because they can be cooked
in just a second! : )